Membership of International Bodies

European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education (ECSWE)

ECSWE is an umbrella organisation representing 27 national member associations. Its 28 member countries include over 800 Steiner Waldorf schools in Europe and the UK. ECSWE’s mission is to facilitate exchange of experience, to promote mutual support among its members and to conduct advocacy for better quality in education, freedom of curriculum and assessment and freedom of choice of schooling. Apart from that, ECSWE runs projects e.g. on assessment and evaluation of learning and digital media. ECSWE is financed by membership fees according to the respective numbers of students.

International Association for Steiner Waldorf Early Childhood Education (IASWECE)

IASWECE fosters cooperation among caregivers and SW early childhood educators throughout the world. Representatives of its 36 member country- and multi-country associations meet twice each year. Activities include study and research; pedagogical and financial support for the development of early childhood training, mentoring, deepening courses; conferences and workshops for educators and trainers; sharing resources through the IASWECE e-newsletter; and collaboration with other organizations working on behalf of childhood.