The Curriculum Framework

A New Curriculum Framework for today's multi-faceted children.

In 2020 work began to create a new framework which would both enable teachers to contemporise the curriculum to meet the needs of todays children and stay true to the original intent of Rudolf Steiner's approach. Launched in 2021 it outlines the Waldorf curriculum as having three layers.

The Macro level which comprises descriptions of the developmental themes for each age group, class by class and contains the "generative principles" that come from Rudolf Steiner's original indications of what a Waldorf Education should look like.

The Meso level which comprises the generally agreed curriculum content for a particular country developed by the schools.

The Micro level which is what each teacher selects for the curriculum content, drawn from the Macro and Meso levels and which is appropriate for her particular class, and how she plans her lessons.

The Art of Teaching. To support schools and teachers in their individual curriculum development Waldorf UK created within the framework an outline of age appropriate learning opportunities, ideas for resources and teaching methods and links to regulatory requirements. Drawn from consultation with a wide range of teachers and experienced Waldorf educators, this digital planning tool provides teachers with guidance on good practice, a facility to join up planning across subjects and teachers and create greater consistency within and across schools without interfering with the autonomy of the teacher to choose what is right for his or her group of children.