Waldorf UK Working in Partnership

09 Nov 2023

Educationalists across the country are working together to innovate and share ways of providing education that is engaging for children, enhances wellbeing and develops a life long love of learning.

The Deeper Learning UK Network https://www.edge.co.uk/practice/deeper-learning-uk-network/ brings together a range of schools, multi-academy trusts universities, college groups and voluntary sector organisations committed to an approach to education which empowers young people to flourish and be the best version of themselves - an education of head, heart and hands. Something Steiner Waldorf education has been doing for 100 years.

Coordinated by the Edge Foundation, https://www.edge.co.uk we are also part of their initiative to bring together a group of like minded practitioners to rethink school leadership. The aim of Deeper Learning - Rethinking Leadership https://www.edge.co.uk/practice/deeper-learning-rethinking-leadership/ is to redefine leadership in a way that can bring change in a healthy way and support both teachers and pupils to flourish in their teaching and learning.