20 Mar 2022
In its recent report, Ofsted was full of praise for the culture and strength of curriculum at York Steiner School. This included strong development of both its academic and artistic subjects. It highlighted how children of all abilities achieve equally well. Inspectors said:
“Pupils here feel safe and, to a very high degree, happy. They know each other well, and they are taught and looked after with care by their class teachers and other staff. Pupils look out for each other and help each other out.
The school is ambitious for its pupils. This applies to achievement in subjects, and achievement in the school’s specialist curriculum. Leaders have the same high expectations for all pupils. Pupils are encouraged to aim high and strive to be the best person they can be. The school’s curriculum instils a spirit of curiosity and enquiry in pupils. They are comfortable in exploring new ideas and making connections between them.”
The school is the first to be inspected having utilised the new curriculum framework created by SWSF in collaboration with teachers across the Steiner school movement. The framework, currently being piloted in schools, helps to show how subjects are interweaved throughout its cross curricular approach. Teachers draw from “generative principles” to create a curriculum that is relevant and which meets the needs of the children in each class. Over time, this format will help teachers create a curriculum that is culturally competent and less euro-centric.
SWSF warmly congratulates the teachers, non-teaching staff, trustees and children for their hard work over the last two years.
Inspections Ofsted